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Glutamine and Its Role in Improving Athletic Performance

Glutamine and Its Role in Improving Athletic Performance

Glutamine is a naturally produced amino acid in the body that exits in two forms including D- glutamine and L- glutamine. From which L- glutamine is considered important that provides fuel to various bodily functions and keeps your intestine cells healthy. Along with that it helps in improving your immunity. With extra glutamine, you can maintain the natural level of glutamine in the body without compromising the energy. In this article you will know what are the sources of glutamine, doses of it per day, and how it helps in improving athletic performance.

Sources Of Glutamine

Glutamine is found in various foods naturally. Typically, animal products consist of larger amounts as it consists of high concentrations of protein. But there are some plant based products with higher protein that consist of good levels of glutamine. Here is the amount of glutamine in the food.

So meat is the simplest way to have high amounts of Glutamine. As meat is a good source of protein and glutamine is a necessary part of protein, you can easily get that substance from meat easily.

Dosage of Glutamine: 

Though it is a naturally produced substance in our body, you need not take it externally more often. If you take it externally, there is no concern of side effects. Typically, it is recommended to have 3 to 6 grams of the gulatmein in a day. But if you cross the upper limit, you may face some health issues. It has shown some side effects when you exceed 14 grams of the glutamine per day.

Glutamine and Athletic performance: 

Glutamine plays an important role in building the protein by enhancing protein synthesis. In a study, it is found that 31 people were given glutamine for six weeks  with their training and they showed improved muscles mass and strength. After your intense workout, the substance helps to improve muscle soreness and helps in faster muscle recovery. Without proper muscle recovery, your muscles may be prone to fatigue. Also in some studies, glutamine is found very useful in boosting the immune system of athletes that helps you to stay regular in your training. Reduced muscle soreness and fatigue during your training helps your muscles to recover faster. With better recovery, muscles become stronger and wider that helps you to improve your athletic performance.

You can find the glutamine from the various given natural sources but if you are feeling the needs of supplementation, you can consult with your doctor. Always choose the best product after a good research. Read everything in the packet. If you are suspicious about anything, ask the expert.

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